Child and Adolescent Therapy
Therapy is a great way to help children and adolescents deal with life’s challenges. It can also help them process losses they’ve experienced or changes that have occurred within the family. It may support a reduction in anxiety and depression, and an increase in self-esteem, social skills, and a strong sense of self. Seeing a specialist allows children and teens to learn how to better regulate emotions and learn about the connection to their behavior, creating the opportunity to better control both healthy feelings and reactions. Treating mental health concerns as soon as possible can help children and teens reduce problems at home, in school, and in forming friendships. It can also help with healthy development into adulthood.
In child and adolescent therapy, the therapist works hard to build a trusting relationship with your youth so they can communicate openly. Therapy with children and teens can include talking, playing, teaching skills, or using other experiential activities to help them understand and express feelings and thoughts more effectively. Therapists may also observe parents and youth together and then make suggestions for finding different ways to interact. No matter the type of therapy, a therapist’s primary goal in child and adolescent therapy sessions is to provide a safe, comfortable space for the client to feel understood.
For children and teens, therapy can offer:
A better understanding of the root causes of their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
Tools to make beneficial changes to help them feel and function better
Practice working through various issues that arise
Empowerment to use learned strategies to find solutions to the issues they face
Improvement in self-confidence, overall mood, and self-esteem
Emotional regulation strategies
Effective communication skills to allow them to appropriately express thoughts and feelings
Growth in empathy, assertiveness, and self-awareness
A safe, comfortable space for children and teens to feel seen and understood